Best way to get from LaGuardia Airport to The Edison Hotel?

Q. What is the simplest and cheapest way to get to the hotel located on 228 W 47th St.?

A. If you're not carrying a lot of luggage, the cheapest, simplest, and fastest way is to take the M60 bus to the Astoria Blvd subway station and then take the Brooklyn-bound (N) or (Q) trains to 49th Street.

Since neither the Astoria Blvd or 49th Street stations have an elevator (the 49th Street station only has one for the northbound platform), the way to get there if you have a lot of luggage is as follows:
Take the Q33 or Q47 bus to Jackson Heights/Roosvelt Avenue and then take the Manhattan-bound (E) train to 50th Street.

You'll need to buy a $4.50 MetroCard, and the trip will take $2.25 off of the MetroCard, leaving you with $2.25 for another trip.

I hope this information was very helpful.

Is it possible a hotel could look dumpy from the outside yet be decent on the inside?
Q. I want to visit some friends and found a hotel that got great reviews. Place looks old and dumpy from the outside. It's cheap and right in town.

A. Hotel Edison just off Times Square in NYC is like this.

unexpected power outage, will Edison cover hotel?
Q. there is an unexpected power outage at Walnut, CA. Cant stay in a room without A/C nor Fan, want to stay at a hotel. Will Edison cover the charge of hotel?

A. The conditions aren't unliveable, just uncomfortable. So, no, Edision will not reimburse. BTW, how the heck are you using the internet if you don't have power? I hope you don't burn up too much battery power on your computer. You might need it for something else...
Good luck out there. Fill your tub with cold water and ice from your freezer before it all melts. Then take a plunge to keep cool!!

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