One night in Bangkok Hotel near to the way to Hua Hin?

Q. Would you suggest any hotel just to transit for Hua Hin by car?
Any good and reasonable price hotel to stay in Hua Hin for 3 days in December?

A. You can stay anywhere in Bangkok, it's only a few hours drive to Hua Hin. If you'd like to stay at the hotel on the suburb of Bangkok connected to the way to Hua Hin, check out The Royal City Hotel.

Good hotels in Hua Hin are quite expensive compare to other beach cities, because it's popular destination among Hi-end market on weekend and holidays. If you don't mind staying elsewhere, there's a Cha-am beach hotel near Hua Hin called The Regent Chalet. It's good value for its price due to good feedback from guests.

Enjoy your trip :)

Going to Thailand for the 1-st time with only ticket no hotel booking?
Q. Would I have any problems - I have my passport allright + a ticket from Europe to Bangkok.
No hotel booking though (someone I know will meet me and book it for me). Is it all fine, right?

A. Probably you may get a 30 days visa stamp on you passport. They are a lot of accommodation in Bangkok such as Hotel, Inn, backpack etc.

How much does a good trip to Bangkok cost?
Q. What would a good trip to Bangkok including airfare and hotel for say 5 days cost roughly?

A. I just paid $1205, round trip from LAX to Bangkok via Tokyo on Northwest.
Good luck.

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